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1 Finpedia is a financial wiki. Unlike other financial wikis, //our goal is to develop thorough and complete research reports on every publicly traded company in the world. //These background reports are crowdsourced by people just like you, from public documents such as regulatory filings and news reports.
3 If you are an investor, trader, or even just a stock market enthusiast, you are welcome to contribute to Finpedia. If there are companies that you follow closely, please see if we have a stock report for it, and if not, start one. Every publicly traded company in the United States is required to file a 10-K, and we find that the "Company Background" section of those filings is a swell place to start, since it is required to be both factual and relatively comprehensive. If you find that we already have a report for a company, please review it and if you think it can be improved, go ahead and update it.
5 Together, we hope to create and maintain the most comprehensive and accurate database of company information on the planet.
7 = About XWiki =
9 Finpedia is created using XWiki, a leading Java-based wiki provider. A //wiki// is organized in a hierarchy of //pages//. You can create multiple wikis, each with its own set of pages.  XWiki can be used as a knowledge base (support, documentation, sales, etc.), for collaborative workspaces or even as a complete intranet.
11 = The basics =
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