
This migration script will make visible all the forum entities (topics and answers) in order to make them visible to all the users (be able to search for a topic/answer). Also, the cryptic names (Topic_1508480809329_23) wich be replaced with the titles defined by the users. For more details, please see: https://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XAFORUM-144.

(F) - Forum
(T) - Topic
(A) - Answer

Failed to execute the [velocity] macro. Cause: [The execution of the [velocity] script macro is not allowed in [xwiki:ForumCode.Migrations.2\.2\.1]. Check the rights of its last author or the parameters if it's rendered from another script.]. Click on this message for details.
Created by Admin on 2017/10/20 06:49
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